Roman Numeral Date Converter

The Roman numeral date converter is a simple tool that helps you convert modern Gregorian calendar dates (in Arabic numbers) into their Roman numeral equivalents. This involves converting a date’s day, month, and year components into Roman numeral format while following Roman numeral system specifications. 

What Are Roman Numeral Dates

Roman numerals are an ancient numbering system that originated in Rome and is still used in a few contexts. Instead of using Arabic Numbers (0-9), Roman numerals represent value with specific letters: I -1, V – 5, X – 10, L -50, C – 100, D – 500, M – 1000. When representing dates in Roman numerals, days, months, and years are usually written separately, especially in this format: Day·Month·Year.

Convert a Date to Roman Numerals

Converting date into Roman numerals involves breaking down each component of the date: the day (DD), the month (MM), and the year (YYYY). Each element is converted into Roman numerals and combined into the final Roman Numeral Format.

Convert the Day: The day represents the specific day of the month, ranging from 1 to 31. To convert the day into a Roman numeral, use the Roman numeral symbols from I to X. Combine the appropriate symbols for numbers greater than 10.

Number Roman Numeral Number Roman Numeral Number Roman Numeral

Table 1 shows the Roman numerals and its corresponding number form 1 to 31.

Convert Month: The month is presented by its position in the year. For example, January is 1, February is 2, and so on. Once you know the position of the month, just convert it to Roman Numerals.

Number Roman Numeral Number Roman Numeral Number Roman Numeral

Table 2 shows months of the year (1 to 12) with their corresponding Roman numerals.

The year conversion is the most complex part of this conversion. To simplify this conversion, break the year into smaller components: thousands, hundreds, tens, and units. Convert each part into Roman numerals and combine them.

Use the symbol M to represent a thousand. Use C, D, and M to indicate hundreds. Tens can be represented with the letters X, L, and C. Use I, V, and X to represent units.

Category Roman Numerals
ThousandsM (1,000), MM (2,000), MMM (3,000)
HundredsC (100), CC (200), CCC (300), CD (400), D (500), DC (600), DCC (700), DCCC (800), CM (900)
TensX (10), XX (20), XXX (30), XL (40), L (50), LX (60), LXX (70), LXXX (80), XC (90)
UnitsI (1), II (2), III (3), IV (4), V (5), VI (6), VII (7), VIII (8), IX (9)

Table 3: Roman numerals based on their values in thousands, hundreds, tens, and units.

Combine data: After converting the year, combine it with the day (DD) and month (MM) in Roman Numerals to write the full date in the correct format. For example, December 25, 2024, can written as XXV·XII·MMXXIV.

Example 1: July 20, 1969
Convert the day (20) → XX
Convert the month (July = 7) → VII
Convert the year (1969) → MCMLXIX
Roman Numeral: XX·VII·MCMLXIX

Example 2: December 31, 2024
Convert the day (31) → XXXI
Convert the month (December = 12) → XII
Convert the year (2024) → MMXXIV
Roman Numeral: XXXI·XII·MMXXIV

How to use this converter

Step 1: Click on the “Enter Date” input field. Please select a date from the calendar popup or manually type in the date you want to convert. Double-check that the date is valid before the next step.

Step 2: Use the data format dropdown to select how you want your Roman Numeral Date displayed. currently we provide three formats: DD-MM-YYYY (Day-Month-Year), MM-DD-YYYY (Month-Day-Year), and YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).

Step 3: This converter also allows you to customize the symbols that separate the day, month, and year. Select the Delimiter dropdown menu and select from Hyphen (-), Slash (/), Dot (.), and Space ( ).

Step 4: After entering all the values, click the convert button; the converted Roman numeral date will instantly shown in the output field in the selected date format.

1. What is XL in Roman numerals?

XL in Roman numerals is 40.

The year 1000 in Roman numerals is M.

500 in Roman numerals is D.