kilograms to Pounds Converter

This kg to lbs converter is a simple tool for converting weight from kilograms (kg) to pounds (lbs). Here, we briefly explore converting kilograms to pounds, the conversion formula, how to use a converter and related FAQs.

Definition of the Kilogram

The kilogram is the unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) and has the symbol kg. The kilogram is widely used in science and is more commonly used in everyday measurements like groceries and body weight. 1 kilogram is about 2.20462 avoirdupois pounds.

Definition of the Pounds

The pounds (lbs) is a unit of mass commonly used in the United States and a few other countries that follow the imperial measurement system. One pound is precisely defined as 0.45359237 kilograms. The abbreviation “lbs” comes from the Roman word “libra,” which means balance or scales.

Converting kg to pounds

The conversion formula for converting kilograms to pounds is straightforward. One pound equals kilograms multiplied by 2.205 because 1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds.

Weight in pounds = Weight in kg × 2.2046

Steps for Formula 1: Identify the weight in kilograms and multiply the weight in kg by 2.2046. Round the result to the desired number of decimal places.

Alternatively, if you take the reciprocal of 2.202 (0.4536), you can use this number to convert kg to pounds. Divide the kg value by 0.4536:

Weight in pounds = Weight in kg ÷ 0.4536

Steps for Formula 2: Identify the weight in kilograms (kg). Divide the weight in kg by 0.45359237. Round the result to the desired number of decimal places.

Kilograms (kg) Pounds (lb) Ounces (oz) Grams (g) Stones (st)

Table 1 displays conversion chart for kilograms to pounds, ounces, grams, and stones. 

How to use this converter

Step 1: Find the mass or weight of the object in kilograms and input the value in the field labeled as kilograms.

Step 2: This kilo to lbs converter will automatically convert kg to lbs and display the result in the field labelled as pounds.

Step 3: You can perform back conversion, too. Enter the pound value in the pound input field and get your weight value in kilograms.

Example 1:
Weight in kg: 50 kg, Multiply by 2.2046
50 x 2.2046 = 110.23 pounds.

Example 2:
Weight in kg: 85 kg, Multiply by 2.2046
50 x 2.2046 = 187.391 pounds.

1. How do you convert 1 kg to lbs?

To convert 1 kg to pounds, just multiply by the conversion factor: 1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds. Formula is weight in pounds = Weight in kg × 2.2046.

To convert 3.5 kg to pounds multiply by the conversion factor 2.20462. 3.5 x 2.20462 = 7.71617. So, 3.5 kg is approximately 7.71617 pounds.

No, 2 pounds is not the same as 1 kilogram. 2 pounds is approximately 0.907 kilograms, which is less than 1 kg.

To convert 62 kg to pounds, multiply by the kg to lbs conversion factor 2.20462. 62 x  2.20462 = 136.68644. So, 62 kg is approximately equal to 136.686 lbs.