Square Footage Calculator

The square footage calculator helps you find the area of different shapes in square feet. This calculator can also estimate price per unit if you already know the price per unit, allowing you to budget more efficiently for projects by providing a clear picture of the overall area and associated costs.

How to calculate square footage?

To calculate square footage, follow these steps: measure the length and width of the space in feet and multiply the length by the width to get the area in square feet.

Formula: Square Footage = Length × Width

If you are calculating for an irregular area, break it into smaller areas like (rectangles, squares, and circles), calculate the values for each area separately with the appropriate formula, and add them together.

Other measurements to square feet

When measuring an area you might take measurements in inches, centimetres, yards or meters instead of feet. To convert between square feet, yards, meters etc, use the following conversion factors. For easy calculation you can use this conversion calculator.

From To Multiplication Factor Formula
Square Feet Square Inches 144 in² = ft² × 144
Square Feet Square Yards 0.11111 yd² = ft² × 0.11111
Square Feet Square Meters 0.092903 m² = ft² × 0.092903
Square Yards Square Feet 9 ft² = yd² × 9
Square Yards Square Meters 0.836127 m² = yd² × 0.836127
Square Meters Square Inches 1,550 in² = m² × 1,550
Square Meters Square Feet 10.7639 ft² = m² × 10.7639
Square Meters Square Yards 1.19599 yd² = m² × 1.19599

Table 1 shows conversion factors and formulas for converting between square feet, square inches, square yards, and square meters.

Formulas for different shapes

1. Square Area

To find the total area of the square, you can use the following formul

Area (ft²) = Side Length (ft) × Side Length (ft)

Measure one side of the square in feet, then multiply it by itself to find the area.

2. Rectangle Area

To calculate area for a rectangle area use this following formula;

Area (ft²) = Length (ft) × Width (ft)

Measure the length and width of the rectangle in feet. Multiply the length by the width to get the area.

3. Rectangle Border

To calculate square footage for a rectangle border area 

Border Area (ft²) = Outer Area – Inner Area = (Outer Length × Outer Width) – (Inner Length × Inner Width)

Calculate the area of the outer and inner rectangle. Subtract the inner area from the outer area

4. Circle Area

Calculate square footage for a circle area with simple mathematical formula;

Area (ft²) = π × Radius²

Measure the radius of the circle in feet. Square the radius and Multiply by π (approximately 3.1416).

5. Circle Border Area

To calculate square footage for a circle border area

Border Area = Outer Area – Inner Area = π × (Outer Radius² – Inner Radius²)

Calculate the area of the outer circle and inner circle. Subtract the inner area from the outer area.

6. Triangle Area

To calculate square footage for a triangle area

Area (ft²) = ½ × Base (ft) × Height (ft)

Measure the base and height of the triangle in feet. Multiply the base by the height and Divide by 2.

7. Trapezoid Area

To find the square footage of the square area

Area (ft²) = ½ × (Base₁ + Base₂) × Height

Measure the two parallel bases and the height in feet. Add the two bases together and Multiply by the height. Divide by 2 to get the area.

How to use this calculator

Step 1: Choose the shape you want to calculate from the dropdown menu. Available options are Square, Rectangle, circle, triangle, and more. The input fields will automatically update based on your shape selection.

Step 2: Depending on the selected shape, you must enter specific dimensions like length, width, and side dimensions. Ensure all values are positive numbers in the correct measurement unit.

Step 3: To calculate the price, enter the cost per square foot. This field is entirely optional; only the area will be calculated if left blank.

Step 4: Once double-checking all the values and units, click the “Calculate” Button. If a price is entered, the total cost will also be displayed.

Step 5: Click the reset button. This will clear all the input fields. Use this option if you make any mistake when entering values or want to start a new calculation.

1. How do you calculate sq feet?

The square footage is calculated by multiplying its length by its width. Formula = Length × Width.

A 10×10 room means the room has: Length = 10 feet and Width = 10 feet. Area = 10×10 = 100 square feet. So, a 10 x 10 room is 100 square foot.

Room Dimensions for 500 sq ft is Length=22.36 ft, Width=22.36 ft.